Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Upadate - Bianca Jones

Justice Was Served!
On October 12, 2012 De’Andre Lane (father of Bianca Jones)  was found guilty of felony murder and child abuse. He is scheduled to be sentence in November. The jury deliberated for only one day.


The prosecuting attorney mentioned that the evidence proves that De’Andre beat Bianca to death with a stick, wrapped in a towel and duct tape. Lane has never gave information on the whereabouts of Bianca’s body. Lane seemed to be surprised that the jury felt that he was guilty. His guilt was displayed on Nancy Grace about a week after Bianca was reported missing during the so called “car-jacking” incident. Lane sat on the set of the Nancy Grace show with his attorney Terry Johnson and evaded every question Nancy asked. When he was asked if he could describe what the carjackers looked like, he declined to comment. Mr. Johnson refused to let him answer. This went on and on until Nancy asked Terry Johnson to SHUT UP and let De’Andre talk. The interview went nowhere. De’Andre Lane was guilty as sin! Anyone who watched the interview could tell.   


 Banika Jones (Bianca’s mother) mention in her testimony that she never felt that De’Andre posed a threat to their child. Lane would babysit Bianca on a regular basis, but on November 28, 2011 was her first time spending the night with De’Andre Lane. Bianca has never been seen or heard from since December 2, 2011.
Sadly, this news doesn't bring Bianca back or puts her in respectable resting place. Our thoughts and prayers are with Banika and her family as they cope with the death of a very precious little one.

Rest In Peace Bianca


  1. I saw them on NG, and never understood why you would come on the show, and then refuse to talk about what happened. Just stay home. The attorney was as stupid as the client!

  2. De'Andre and his lawyer both refused to talk because he had something to hide. That's the whole point of being guilty. I feel if a person has the guts to kill a child, you should have the guts to admit the truth. He's a sick person and trust, he will be dealt with while he's in jail. I hope he gets life in prison.

  3. How could he do that?How could he do that? I know that God forgives but he beat an innocent baby. No telling what else he would've had her doing. I am so happy they locked him up...and I agree with Whitney,prison is going to have a field day with him!

  4. I don t know if Mich. has the death penalty but that is what De Andre Lane deserves!He s a miserable excuse for a human being which he is not! He s a MONSTER and I for one am glad he s not roaming the streets of america anymore!I hope Baby Bianca s family can come to grips and realize that he DID do this horrid crime and move on the best they can.

  5. I hope Dr Andre Lane will die and see the face of Lucifer! May you suffer and live your days in hell!

  6. He got everything he had coming for killing that baby. Now u see how sick people are even parents.. how could u kill ur on baby?? Something he helped make.. that's really sick.
