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Monday, April 23, 2012

Update in the Bianca Jones Case - 4/23/12

On Tuesday, April 17th, DeAndre Lane was arrained in court for the murder of his 2 year old daughter, Bianca Jones.

Lane's 8 year old daughter was at his home on December 2, 2011. She was on the witness stand on Tuesday to tell her side of the story. She mentioned a time when she herself, wet the bed and Lane became upset. He held her panties in front of her face and stuffed them in her mouth as a punishment. Other members of Bianca's family knew that Lane had an issue with his children not being potty trained or wetting the bed. It appears that perhaps this was the cause for him harming Bianca on December 2nd.

The 8 year old also stated that she got dressed for school that day and waited in the living room for her dad to drop her off. She said that Bianca was in the car seat with a blanket over the entire car seat. Bianca never moved. She said that the baby snored when she slept, but this time there was no sounds at all.

It seems very clear that little Bianca was killed by her father (if on purpose or by accident). DeAndre Lane is covering this up and forensic evidence will tell the story. I'm happy the Detroit Police have Lane in custody and he will be serving a possible life sentence if convicted. At least law enforcement didn't fall asleep on this case.

Bianca's mother, Banika Jones still holds out hope that her baby will come home. She said, "Until they find a body there is hope."

Despite her hope and prayers, I know that Banika knows that DeAndre Lane killed her baby. It's a harsh truth that she and her family are facing. Our prayers are with them.



I dont know the family but my prayers and heart go out to you and for the father hope u rot in hell and in prisin they dont like baby killers u dity dog


I dont know the family but my prayers and heart go out to you and for the father hope u rot in hell and in prisin they dont like baby killers u dity dog

Anonymous said...

Rip sweet baby

Unknown said...

Amazing. You convict this guy because a dog barked. No other proof period. The MOTHER doesn't even beleive he did it.

Unknown said...

There is no body so how do you know the baby is dead? You don't. Thats convicting someone on purely circumstantial evidence. If thats how our justice system continues to work we are ALL in trouble. I had a k9 dog supposedly alert on my care for carrying drugs. They tore my car apart and found NOTHING! Those dogs aren't perfect.