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Friday, January 13, 2012

Amir Jennings - Missing Since Late November

Amir Jennings like so many other children have been harmed at the hands of their parents. His story is one that concerns me because his mother (Zinah Jennings) has major issues prior to his disappearance.

Amir Jennings is an 18 month old little boy who was being raised by his single mother Zinah Jennings in Colombia, South Carolina. She is 22 year olds and her family says that she suffers from server depression. Zinah and Amir were missing until Christmas Eve 2011. She apparently crashed her car into a tree. The police put her under arrest and ran her name and showed up in a missing persons database. Her family was contacted.  And when she was asked where Amir was she kept giving different stories. At first, she said he was in Atlanta with a friend. The friend didn't exsist. Then sha said that Amir was with his father. The father hasn't seen either one of them since Thanksgiving. So the police knew upfront that evil was afoot!

Since then, a search warrant was issued. The police found a bloody blanket and shovel in the vehicle that Zinah was driving. Her stepfather then told the police that he saw Zinah digging a hole in the yard with that same shovel. So now this is looking like a murder case.

My question is why didn't the family members take Amir from Zinah when they noticed that she was suffering from depression? Why didn't they look for them when she came up missing?

The first thing I heard in regards to this case was that Amir was missing after Zinah was arrested. Why wasn't they a new flash about a mother and child missing? And how long were they really missing before her wreck? And finally, are her parents covering for her?

I think the Mother and Stepfather know alot more about what happened to Amir then what they told the police.

This poor little boy didn't stand a chance with his Zinah. I hope this case doesn't go cold because a lack of information.

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