Whitney's Blog

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Off Subject - Whitney Houston - Death Of A Diva

When I heard that Whitney Houston passed away Saturday my heart dropped. And to be honest, I haven't discussed it much. It's so very sad how fame, popularity and pressure all play the same game with people. Truly amazingly talented people have died too soon because of addictions. But I makes me wonder, did anyone try to stop her? Did anyone try to get her help? Were her friends really "friends" or just yes men?

In the lime light its very hard to tell the difference between people who love you and people who love you for what you have to offer them. I honestly feel if she had not married Bobby Brown, her life would have been different. Never discredit the power of assoication. The people with whom we keep company can have a great impact (negative or positive) on our lives. My heart goes out to her family and real friends. Sometimes we can't help our loved ones when they don't want to be helped. And that hurts the most.

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